vMix 28 is available now!
vMix 28 is now available for download via the vMix.com download page! If you’re a vMix Max user or purchased vMix from January 2023 then you can update right now for free. Prior to this date, it’s a $60 fee for 12 months of updates if you’d like to experience the new vMix 28 features! For a quick overview of vMix 28, check out this 2-3 minute video brought to you by current vMix CEO, Martin ‘McStreamy’ Sinclair.
A Telestrator has been added to the vMix Web Controller! Easily add illustrations, shapes, and images to a production from any modern web browser. The Web Controller will provide a new low latency video feed that can used to telestrate on! Just add a Telestrator as an overlay or layer on your production for excellent success!
10 shortcuts can also be added to the Telestrator screen so the talent can not only telestrate but control the production as well!!
5 streaming destinations and encoder statistics!
Now that you can use 8 hardware encodes with an NVIDIA GeForce card, vMix has opened up the number of streaming destinations to 5! This leaves another 3 free for other encodes like records! Having trouble keeping up with how many hardware encoders you’re doing? Well vMix now has an Encoder tab in the Statistics section, where you can manage the number of encoders you’re currently using.

New playback triggers!
vMix 28 now features 2 triggers for inputs that have a playback time. For example someone could now perform a function at a particular time during a video playout.
- OnPlaybackTime
- OnPlaybackTimeRemaining
New MultiView Options!
MultiView2 has been added to vMix, alongside some additional configuration options. This will include the ability to remove preview/output, choose the preview/output mix, select the audio being displayed and the ability to click on the MultiView to move an input to Preview.