vMix 26 is now available
vMix 26 is here and ready for download! You can download it now via vMix.com. If you’ve got vMix Max, you’re able to update to the latest update right now! For those that have purchased vMix from January 2021 then it will be a free update. Prior to this date, it’s a $60 fee for 12 months of updates. Totally up to you if want to experience the new features that vMix 26 has to offer! What are they you might ask??
Input Effects
Do you often think about blur effects or LUTs? vMix 26 now allows you to add these effects to your input! You can add a Gaussian blur effect to all or some of the input. LUT support for PNG and CUBE files.
Vertical Production Tools
Apparently vertical video isn’t going anywhere! You can now create professional vertical streams and recordings with vMix! There is a new vertical HD preset (1920p), vertical GT templates, vertical recording options and auto detection of pre-recorded MP4 vertical videos from smart phones.
You’ll be able to create HD widescreen AND HD vertical content from the same preset and stream to different destinations accordingly!
SRT Updates For Audio and Replay

vMix now supports the ability to receive multiple tracks of audio which will be combined automatically and made available to the input’s channel matrix and mixer. On the output side, support has been added to split the single multi-channel track into multiple stereo audio tracks.
SRT support has been added to Instant Replay. CBR support has also been added to SRT.
15 Mix Inputs!?
vMix 4K, Pro and Max users will now have the ability to use 15 Mix Inputs in their production!!! That’s a whole lotta submixes and crazy stuff you can do!!
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